Looking at space is a new trend-alife inspiration story.

We all know the feeling. In the busy problem packed world we live in, we are looking for more. Looking for answers. After years of looking at 'me', we forgot to talk about the big skies above us, stuff that is so much greater than we are, and that puts things into perspecitive. Are we finding answers in science? Is science a new, sexy, intangible and unknown direction we can take to get new perspectives?
As we more and more feel the need to escape out of the current world we live in, some air can be found in the stars above our heads.
But, where to find these skies that are so full of stars, unpolluted by to much light or city smogs?

Well, Chili is one of the places. Over there, in a small village looking over the Elqui Valley, the owners of Elqui Domos  build in 2005 an astronomic observatory within an amazing hotel site. The idea was to show and experience the grandeur of the  skies of the valley. Elqui Domos is a very unique lodging offer, it is one
 of the 7 astronomic hotels worldwide, and the only one in the South Hemisphere. 

There will be more, looking at the growing interest in science tourism.  

The observatory consists of two domes that house top professional telescopes. The domes are motorized and there is a digital camera for the observation of the moon and planets.
Elqui Domos is located 110 km from La Serena city (regional capital, and closer airport LSC) and 580 km from Santiago. 

I would love to go to this poetic, magical place. Imagine to stay in these super cool domes, sleeping with the lid open under the stars...

As I was at a trend seminar in London last week, this quote stroke me in the context of this post.

‘People now feel a hunger for new ideas, for new innovations, for new ways of looking at the world. And in this new Enlightenment, the scientists will be the new rockstars.
Ariane Koek, international arts development, CERN 



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