Diane Pernet with ASVOFF in Antwerp_a life inspiration story

ASVOFF6 Diane Pernet Belgium Antwerp 2013
©ALL photos by Kate Stockman & Ivan Missinne_THE SQUID STORIES 

Last Tuesday October 15th the “creme-de-la-crème” of the Belgian_International fashion scene was present for the 6th edition of ASVOFF.(For the first time in Belgium) 
Tim Van Steenbergen. Check. Walter and Dirk. Check. Filip of A.F. Vandevorst, top duo Ronalds Stoops and Inge Grognard. Yep. Geert and Eddy (Coccodrillo, Louis,…), Paul Boudens, all front row.
What was this all about? Asvoff_'A Shaded View On Fashion Film'_ launched in 2008 by the eccentric Diane Pernet, a NY based designer turned taste-maker who became the godmother of the world's emerging fashion talented, was in Antwerp. In person. 

Pernet's fashion blog with almost the same name (A Shaded View on Fashion) became a obligatory bookmark for all stylish and fashionable. Pernet pioneered online fashion writing and is now advancing the genre of fashion films. Her prominent and returning question is if fashion is well, creative and strong enough presented in the worlds of art and film.
So Pernet's traveling fashion festival ASVOFF, Invited by the Antwerp Fashion Museum and the city of Antwerp landed in the Augustine Chapel in the Kammenstraat.  
The chapel was fully loaded, the crowd very serious and professional. 
We saw short movies, clips, art house experiments and some advertising shorties. The fist part before the break was honestly quite boring and not very promising for the rest of the evening. But, the best was yet to come! 
Les Stars”, a 16 minute documentary slash beauty shoot by Serge Lutens, the very fun ‘behind-the-scenes Sister Act’ of fashion photographer Ellen Von Unwerth, Daphne Guinness performing Julien Landais and Hollywood actress Marisa Tomei in “she said, she said" by Stuart Blumberg (my favorite short movie of the evening: Vote 1)
Memorable was also the appearance of Fashion pope Karl Lagerfeld in a typical hilarious 'me-know-nothing-situation'.
The winner of the public's vote that night (my second best vote written on my ASVOFF beer carton)was Monster Love” of the French singer SokoA poetic horror-farce-fairytale of a monster looking (and finding) love in a town full of ordinary people. Very funny and tender at the same time.

The cherry on the fashion cake was a short but very intens gig of the fabulous trio SX. Black Video, Gold and other hits gave the fashion chapel a soundscape every one enjoyed, even if the fashion crowd didn't want to dance at all...
Last small detail but so right: the Famous belgian Vedett bottles_the official drink of the evening_ were printed with Diane's iconic persona on it's labels. She loved it, I'm sure.


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